Sunday, June 26, 2011

Just the Beginning of Goodbye

Even though the word "Goodbye" says GOOD...I'm not sure that it always feel good. One thing that happened this past week was that we began saying goodbye. Our friends, Russell and Katie, are also moving for Russell's internship placement, but they are moving this coming week. Therefore, we all got together one more time before we parted ways. We are all excited about the new places we are going and the experiences that we will have, and I guess that is part of life. Growing, changing, and saying goodbye. You always say hello to new friends, right? It's still not fun - the leaving, which as the summer progresses there will be more good/sadbye.

Russell and Katie Fox

We could have the hello attitude, right? :) Hello to the experience of leaving, new city, new home, new work, new community, new lifestyle, newness....

This week on Wednesday, Preston and I will be traveling up to Chicago to look for apartments. Our hope is to find one or at least get a feel for what is available to us and what the area is going to be like.

Another thing going on this week is that I may have an interview on Friday. My interview is for a social work position working in the clinic where Preston will also be working. Aside from the nicety of working at the same location, it will also be nice to work in a Christian facility. Crossing fingers and saying prayers that this goes well.

God is good! 
Preston and Krystal 


  1. Krystal I am praying you guys find just the right place and for the interview.

  2. It is sad to see you guys leave but it will be a fun journey. The video was a nice touch. I liked it. :)

  3. Thanks :) I know it is sad and crazy. We've are looking at apartments and making appointments to see them this coming week. It's going to be very different living.

  4. Thinking and praying for you all. What an exciting and bittersweet time. At least you will have EACH OTHER. We look forward to getting to read about your Chicago life! In more important news, who is going to take care of all the fish and dogs we have?! ;)
